Let’s face it: we touch a lot of dirty things every day.
Dirty items inside the home include bathroom hand towels and dog toys. Outside of the house, everything from shopping carts to ATMs can expose us to high concentrations of germs. And that doesn’t even cover everyday items like cell phones, cash, and computer keyboards—all of which have high germ exposure potential. The same can be said for items that go in our mouths, like fingernails and pens. Sharing drinks, toothbrushes, and food can also spell out germ city.
And that bizarre Five-second rule? Forget about it.
Germs are everywhere. They’re unavoidable, but don’t freak out; they’re a totally normal part of living and your immune system will protect you from most of them.
However, there’s a pressing germ concern unique to the cannabis community: Bacteria growth on pipes, pieces, and joints.
A recent study conducted by Los Angeles-based Moose Labs found that cannabis pipes, vapes, and joints all have “an astounding level of bacteria.” It went on to state that it was difficult to find a neutral everyday item that matched its levels of bacteria. The analysis produced significantly higher-than-expected results. In all, the average cannabis pipe was found to have “almost one and a half times more bacteria than a public toilet seat.”
The report concluded that each person should clean their pieces and pipes regularly. The findings support using a product like the Percolator, an ultra sonic resin cleaning device, combined with 99% alcohol daily or at minimum weekly.
The good news is, the Percolator is actually discounted and 25% off if you click the button below. They even offer a package that includes the alcohol and reusable tips!
25% Off Percolate Bundle“It really is just absolutely horrifying,” Rush said about the findings. “I almost feel bad telling people, but would you rather be informed and upset or uninformed and blissfully ignorant?”
Other experts in the field told The Chronic times they recommended carrying a product like reusable glass filters and cleaning after each use.
The medical team explained why cannabis consumption devices can become so contaminated. He cited biofilm formation as the cause. “Marijuana itself can be a host to numerous bacterial and fungal organisms and contaminated bong water can similarly serve as a host for bacteria, candida, and other types of fungi,” he said.
“As these organisms grow, they secrete substances that allow them to cling to certain physical objects such as plastic or glass within a bong. The accumulation of these secretions leads to the formation of a biofilm that serves to protect these organisms and to facilitate their ongoing proliferation.”
The medical team went on to note that biofilms are resistant to standard cleaning solutions and antimicrobial agents: “Once a biofilm forms, bacterial and fungal contaminants may persist even after a basic washing of the bong.” This is why we recommend using the 99% alcohol cleaning solution that is offered by Percolate Flow.
He added that some of the more common microbial organisms and their potential risks include:
Aspergillosis — When burned, the fungal organism aspergillosis releases mycotoxins that can gather in bong water and be inhaled later on. This can potentially cause a cough or chest pain and can lead to pulmonary disease.
Pseudomonas — This bacterial organism can cause acute pneumonia and sepsis. It is difficult to treat, often requiring antimicrobial therapy for long periods.
Flavobacterium — This bacteria is found in sources of stagnant water like an unclean bong. An infection can lead to pulmonary symptoms and diarrhea.
Streptococcus species — A common bacteria usually found on the skin and in the oral and respiratory tract. It is responsible for infections such as strep throat, pneumonia, ear infections and other unpleasant medical results.
E. coli — E. coli can also be found in the cannabis plant, as well as human and animal feces. Exposure to E. coli can turn into symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
The Moose Labs study focuses on cannabis pipes, joints and vaporizers.
However, Rush noted that the unnamed joints and vaporizer provided in the test are products he uses personally. “I consider myself a relatively clean person,” Rush said. “And they both read significantly higher than anything else that we have tested for.”
The results from Moose Labs found that both joints and vaporizers had close to four times more bacteria than a toilet seat.
The concerning data shows that cannabis consumption, especially in group settings, can create adverse effects. While drastic, Rush noted that global issues, such as the SARS virus, can go from one person to thousands across the world relatively quickly. If an infected person consumed cannabis in a group setting, the consequences could be dire.
Causing the next global health scare isn’t a likely outcome, but other uncomfortable conditions from sore throats to diarrhea are possible. While it may not always be the trendiest thing to do, regularly cleaning your device using a Percolator could help yourself and those around you.
Those looking to protect themselves further may want to consider Dr. Carrubaa’s advice that includes cleaning your piece after each use. Other measures include using ultra sonic resin cleaners to ensure you get the best results
25% Off Percolate BundleAuthor
Henry Beckett
Henry Beckett is a Brooklyn-based freelance reporter and copywriter. He is the author of Cannabis Jobs (2019) and The Art of Marijuana Etiquette (2021).
Emma Caldwell
February 02, 2023
ok... thats disgusting. I need to clean my pieces
Olivia Grayson
March 13, 2023
Great article Henry. I always wondered how dirty my pipes were.
Noah Fitzpatrick
March 23, 2023
Recommendation's on best way to keep things clean?
Liam Hargrove
April 21, 2023
dude.. did you even read the article?
Ava Whitfield
August 24, 2023
And i had convinced myself it was like seasoning on a cast iron 😅
Mason Penrose
October 19, 2023
alright that's it. Bust out the rubber gloves
Samuel Thornton
June 06, 2024
somehow still not dirtier than my ex gf
Benjamin Aldridge
November 30, 2024
so youre telling me ive basically been smoking butt?
Jackson Merritt
December 20, 2024
👀 *slowly puts down pipe *
Lucas Hawthorne
January 03, 2025
Somehow i guarantee you my toilet is still dirtier